Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Life Lately

Life is definitely not slowing down for this crew! We are busy, busy, busy. Griffin and Peyton's soccer season is in full swing, Brooks is still taking karate and Reece is cheering! And, no, it won't be long before Mia has something extra going on too! haha!

Last week was Reece's middle school cheer tryouts. She had clinic for three days and then tried out on Friday! She has been working SO hard for months brushing up on her skills and we were so happy to find out she made the team!

Brooks had a karate competition this past weekend. It was actually a National competition that thankfully was held in the town where we live! He was awarded a gold medal in board breaking and a bronze medal in form. Don't feel stupid if you don't know what any of that means! I'm learning all this too! HA!

Side note-do you love my shirt? We get super tired of all the stares we get so when I saw this shirt I had to have it! haha!

Last week was Read Across America week! Brooks and Mia had dress up days at school all week. If you know me, you know how I feel about school dress up days. Ugh. One day was dress as your favorite book character. They decided to be the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood ALL ON THEIR OWN and I can't even deal with the cuteness!
Mia had a check up with her cardiologist last week. He told me he doesn't need to see her for THREE YEARS! We are so thankful. I get so caught up in dealing with her Thalassemia that I often don't even think about her heart issues. I think because she had her open heart surgery in China-it makes me not really know as much about that as what we deal with on the daily. Which kind of sucks because we weren't there for that.
That's about it! We are gearing up for a big trip so stay tuned for that! YES, we are still going. Every single doctor I have spoken with about the c word says to GO! So BYE!