Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fall Family Pictures!

If you know me you know how I love taking family pictures at least once a year! This fall I almost didn't do them. I rallied myself and we had them done...SO THANKFUL I did!! Here are a few of my favs!

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oh hey!

April here, aka busy mom of 5! haha! Once again, I didn't mean to neglect this space but did. On a whim I decided that I want to try reallllly hard to update regularly on here so we shall see. My kids really like to look back at old posts so I'm doing this for them! #momlife

This will be a quick recap of the end of 2019 and then I hope to start weekly updates!

That sentence feels like accountability 😂

Here we go!

This was right after school started! We had made it through the first full week of school and celebrated with date night! Let's talk about how nice it is to have teens who can babysit! YAS!

Just a random cousin sleepover!

IDK what was going on this day but they sure are cute! School picture day, maybe?

Peyton played varsity football again! Since then he and Griffin both made the varsity soccer team so Mom is hoping Peyton doesn't play football anymore. 🙊

I coached Reece's cheer team this year! These girls have my heart!

We purchased Peyton's first car! This was back in the fall, he wasn't 16 until a week ago! We think it's important to get in some learning time before turning 16 so we try to purchase early!

Homecoming festivities!

We lost a member of our community on September 16th. I'm STILL very sad. Officer Cousette and Hubby used to work together. We saw him one week before he was killed. His kids go to school with ours. His celebration of life was very touching for me. I'll never forget it.

Mia turned FIVE!!!! I'm sorry, what?

Josh and I took another trip to Jamaica! We can't get enough and are headed back with the kids for spring break!

Brooks started karate! He has already earned two belts-he is a green belt now!

Griffin turned 17!!!!!

Halloween fun!

Wedding fun!!

Mia had a field trip to the Barnyard!

Cheer awards banquet!

Brooks participated in his very first karate tournament! He took home a silver medal and a bronze medal!

 Celebrating Thanksgiving at school with a little turkey!
Josh and I went to see Bobby Bones and the Raging Idiots! Y'all, I've never laughed so much in my life! So much fun!!!


Celebrated this girl's THIRD gotcha day!
Peyton's Christmas band concert. He's in the jazz band and they are so much fun to watch!

Mom and her girls!

This boy! He LOVES chicken drumsticks! 

We LOVE Santa! He spent so much time with us!

Reece turned 12!! 

That brings us to Christmas!!!! We had the best day!

And now you're caught up! hahaha!