Saturday, September 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Mia!

Three years ago today in a beautiful city across the world in Nanning, China a little girl was born! Her birth momma tried as hard as she could to care for her for nine short months.  She knew the baby needed medical care that was almost impossible in China. She did the best thing she could have done for her and left her in a place where she would be found quickly with a note that had the baby's birthday on it.


Three years ago right now the Lord started stirring up something in my heart that I didn't even know was there. First, he broke my heart for the orphan. As much as I love kids this wasn't very hard to do. But THEN he took me from, "I don't want any more kids, four is plenty" to "Someone is missing in this house, in this family and we have to find her NOW". He also made sure my husband would be on board the very first time I brought up adoption because He knew I couldn't handle it if he wasn't.

Is that not amazing? Little did I know that when she was born, He started working on me to prepare for her.

Happy Birthday to you, Mia Faith! I love you forever!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Nine Months with Mia!

Nine months ago today we got our Mia!

Right now we're getting blood. We went four weeks between transfusions again but this time her blood count was way lower than we'd like. We are going to try one more time and if she's low again, it's back to every three weeks for little missy!

It's going to be a super long day for us. We got here at 7:30am and it's currently 12:00pm. We JUST got her blood started and it's going to take 5 hours. She was ready to leave an hour ago. Yikes!

I mentioned last month that she started school. Yea, that didn't go well at all. She did a lot of crying. I did a lot of stressing. Doctor's did a lot of trying to tell us what and how to do it. In the end, I listened to my mommy instinct and guess what?! Mommy instinct was right, again! About a week or so ago she quit crying. Now, she waves bye to me and shoves me out the door! haha!

Mia still loves the food. I've decided that's never changing. She has started drinking milk, finally!

I haven't said it officially on here but she's a daddy's girl! Those two have it real bad for each other! She loves me but he's her jam! And, that's ok!

That's about all I have to report on Mia this month. She's really just been a busy little bee keeping up with all her sibs and their after school activities. Speaking of, Reece is cheering this year and Mia LOVES watching her and doing the cheers with the big girls! :)