Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Spring Break Disney Style!

We just spent our Spring Break in Disney World! We had the best time and if I'm being honest I thought I would be miserable from stress but I really had lots of fun!!

We flew down really early on Saturday. So early that we were in Orlando at 8am! The kids DID NOT want to fly after the long trip to China we were just on! haha! Once we told them it was only about an hour long flight they were good! We spent most of the day at Disney Springs shopping, eating at the Dinosaur Cafe and just checking things out!

Sunday we spent most of the day at Hollywood Studios! The Tower of Terror never disappoints! That afternoon we went back to our resort for a break and planned to go back that night. Well, Brooks was lost that afternoon...COMPLETELY AN ENTIRE BLOG POST IN ITSELF COMING ON THAT ONE...so we ended up not going back.

Monday we spent the day at Magic Kingdom! It started raining about halfway through the day so back to the resort we went! We weren't too disappointed because we had another day planned at Magic Kingdom. 

Tuesday was Epcot day! My fav place!! We were at the park from open to close! Fun, fun, fun!!

Wednesday we went to Animal Kingdom where we discovered the best, most fun roller coaster OF ALL TIME,  Expedition Everest! We rode it several times! Of course we did the Safari which was lots of fun too!!

Thursday it was back to Magic Kingdom! We pretty much rode everything we wanted to ride and ate a dole whip! :) 

Friday it was time to fly back home...an early fight again and we were at home by 9am! :)

Now, a few tricks that worked well for us. We were at each park when it opened. The crowds are low at that point and you can quickly ride things that you don't have a fast pass for! The later it got in the day, the more crowded everything was. Another trick if you have kids...drink the alcohol. It makes it easier. Don't judge until you've been in that position! haha! Also, don't ride Mission: Space at Epcot on the orange level, which is the more intense level. Sweet baby Jesus, SICK AS A DOG. When we finally got to Mars I wanted to cry because I thought we had to fly back to Earth! 😂😂😂 Another thing, Brooks was able to ride WAY more than I thought he would. He was on anything and everything that he was tall enough for, including Splash Mountain, 7 Dwarfs Mine Train, Soarin'...seriously he LOVED them all!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Three Months with Mia!

Yesterday we celebrated 3 months with Mia! Time is flying and it feels like she's always been with us!

Mia has slowed WAY down on the food train! She still LOVES to eat but it's not as important to her as it was in the past. That's good because it tells us she's more secure!

She is still doing well in the sleep department. She's a light sleeper and she doesn't really nap but she sleeps well at night!

Her English is improving more and more! She fully understands us and can communicate with us, if she feels like it. No really, the moody little thing sometimes acts like she doesn't know what we are saying  BUT PLEASE, she's not fooling me! haha!

Speaking of moody, she's a typical two year old little girl. So, saying she's moody isn't meant to be a bad thing, she's right on track in that department as well! :) Peyton nicknamed her Moody Judy while we were still in China!

Health wise she is doing pretty well! We had a port placed after her last transfusion. Hopefully this will help. She will still have to be stuck each time because the port is completely under the skin but it will at least be a "sure thing" every time now! Tomorrow is her first transfusion with the port!

I haven't had time to blog about our new baby goats(SOON) but Mia LOVES them! She just pets and pets them and says, "Ohhh babyyyy".

What a short update! There's just not much going on that's different than a typical two year old for her right now! :)