Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Peyton the Trombonist!

Back when Peyton was so sick with Mono, he missed instrument selection night for band at school. Supposedly he wasn’t contagious at the time but he still felt HORRIBLE and I just didn’t feel comfortable sharing instruments with a bunch of other kids just in case. Because mono is the devil and we didn’t want to share. The band director is fabulous and he said he would just test him in class. He wanted to play percussion because what boy doesn’t? But that was full, he sounded really great on the trombone(per the director, he is so excited about this!) so the trombone it is! 2015-09-30 12.58.13 If you hear scary noises coming from our house at night, no worries, we’re just learning to play! #forrealthough #scary

Before we know it, he’ll be playing some tunes!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Mary Poppins and Roll Tide!

We had another fun and busy weekend! On Friday night, Reece and I went to see Mary Poppins at the Bama Theater! It was SO good! We knew several of the actors so that made it even more fun! It was a late night for us, we didn’t get home until after 11, which is WAY past our bedtime!

 IMG_20150925_170049IMG_20150925_224652On Saturday, Hubby and I had tickets to sit in the Regions Bank Skybox at the game! Fun fun fun! :) Regions has one of the nicer skyboxes so we had a great time! And helloooo air condition! IMG_20150926_210443

Roll Tide!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Instagram Dump!

I really need to find the time to blog. I like to look back and see “what we were doing this time last year” all the time and if I don’t pick back up I won’t be able to do that anymore! :)

So, today it’s an Instagram dump of several pictures!

This was during one of Peyton’s Mono check ups! SO glad he is feeling much better!IMG_20150819_081430 Because ice cream is THAT GOOD!IMG_20150819_082520 Our girls are laying machines! This is what we get PER DAY!IMG_20150821_181817 Daddy/Uncle Josh man handling babies!IMG_20150822_104609 I love me some Joshua Brett!IMG_20150822_120855 My little toot!IMG_20150823_092213 Working on a flip house! This kitchen is on FLEEK! Will have to share some pictures when we finish!IMG_20150827_091626 One of Reece’s friends moved to a different school so we had a sleepover, complete with Friday night lights! :)IMG_20150828_192631 Our nephews stayed with us the weekend of Alabama’s opening game! Roll Tide!IMG_20150905_161026 We counted down the days to Dancing with the Stars..this was premiere night! GO PAULA DEEN!IMG_20150914_190345 “Excuse me, you’re in my spot!” I’m sure that’s what he’s thinking.IMG_20150915_182453 Gymnastics beauties in their matching shirts!IMG_20150917_184552 cough cough. TWO YEAR OLDS…IMG_20150919_084915 Just some beachin’ boys!IMG_20150919_130626 This boy and his SHOES…he came to me and said, “Do you promise to still accept me when I show you these shoes I am about to buy?” For reals.IMG_20150919_195403 Peace out. Roll Tide!IMG_20150919_213512

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Grandparent’s Day!

On Monday, Reece had Grandparent’s Day at school! With our dysfunctional family, she had the most people eating with her! ha!

20150914_115526 IMG955015 IMG_4666IMG_4660She really enjoyed her lunch dates!