Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend!

We had the BEST weekend! Friday afternoon we headed to Atlanta. We had plans for a day of fun at Six Flags on Saturday and a Braves game on Sunday! We thought it would be a great way to end the school year! And it was!This was shortly after we arrived and I was seriously wondering what I was going to do! haha!

After accidentally ending up in the “bad part of town” we found our way to the “good” and had some DIVINE mexican food!

The next morning we were at Six Flags when they opened the gates…and we didn’t leave until they shut them that night! That’s right, open to close. It was the BEST day! There was something for everyone to do and riding rides with my bigs is right up my ally! It wasn’t crowded at all either!
Not many pictures from that day, too busy having fun! And the big boys, they are way too cool for me to take pictures. :(

This was on the train…he LOVED it!

The next day we went to watch the Braves play ball! It was my first game to attend, along with the kids! It was super hot and since it wasn’t sold out, by any means, we moved up farther than our seats to get in the shade…once we did that it was perfect! B even napped!

That’s a WIN for the home team and for a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Baseball Champs!

Another season of baseball is in the books for us! Whew. I feel like I can breathe now. We stay SO SO busy during baseball season…go go go go! And that’s just with one child playing! We wrapped up playing last Saturday. We ended up playing two games back to back so we were there for six hours. That’s a lot for a 2 year old. We sat through the blazing sun and the pouring rain but we WON so Champions we are!

This was our Coach’s last year to coach after 14 years and his only 1st Place win! :)IMG_20150516_161022 IMG_20150516_161216 20150516_155308_resized   I have no clue where Griffin was! Ha!20150516_155356_resized20150516_155639_resized Brooks is ALL UP in the coach’s talk! I LOVE this picture. Brother love!IMG_20150519_160531And on a side note…Brooks LOVES LOVES LOVES baseball! He has a bat that he drags EVERYWHERE….in the car, to bed, etc. He has a tee that we were letting him hit off of…then one night at the ballpark some of the kids started tossing it to him AND HE CAN HIT IT! Uh, he just turned 2! He can’t wait to play! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Peyton the Graduate!

Yesterday, Peyton graduated from 5th grade! Yep, that means we have TWO in middle school.

What the what? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

Here we are with some of his accomplishments from the year! Y’all, he is SO SMART! Get’s it from ME! haha! Not only did he get acknowledged for physical fitness and academics, he won an award for an essay he wrote for a competition! I’m trying to get my hands on the essay and I’ll post it here! We are so proud of him! DSC_0175IMG_20150518_115617_resized  DSC_0177 This is his teacher, Ms. McGee. We LOVE her! She’s such a doll and a really great teacher! She’s taking a break from teaching after this year to raise her family, she’s pregnant with their first baby!DSC_0178  DSC_0170 DSC_0171  Gigi owed him a kiss for something! HAHA!DSC_0173 DSC_0179

Yep, still has the girl!20150518_111515_resized IMG_0125 We missed taking pictures with several family members. Boo.

We love you so much Peyton! SO SO proud to be your Mommy!

Monday, May 18, 2015

It’s Our Anni!

Josh and I have been married for THIRTEEN years today! I’m not sure why but 13 seems like a big number? I’m feeling old and very much in love with my man! He rocks my socks! ;)

I’m so thankful that no matter where life takes us, he’s the one who is with me!IMG_20150404_180950 IMG_20150411_152356IMG_20150518_061630 Happy Anniversary Lover!