Monday, December 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Reece!

Yesterday was Reece's 8th birthday!! I seriously can not believe she is EIGHT! We had her party last weekend. She wanted it at the ice skating rink that she had her party at last that's just what we did!

He had on skates, he's already WAY taller than me! haha!

 She wanted her theme to be the movie Inside Out, so if you haven't seen it you will be totally lost when you look at the cake! ;)

B LOVED ice skating!

Happy Birthday baby girl!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Happy Birthday Josh!

My Lover Lover is 34 today!! We’re getting old…but, he’s always going to be the oldest! HAHA!IMG_20150822_120855 Tonight we’re celebrating with dinner and, most importantly, Strawberry Cheesecake Shortcake! HOLLA!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Camp McDowell

Griffin and I spent three days last week at the Camp McDowell Farm School!! The farm school is new to Camp McDowell, it’s only been there about a year. We arrived on Monday around lunch and got settled into our cabins…girls in one, boys in the other! There were only 7 girls on the trip so it really wasn’t bad at all! After settling in we ate lunch and then got right to work! The first thing we did was plant some red cabbage in a raised bed. After planting we took a tour around the farm to visit the animals! That night we went on a night hike. In the woods. With NO flashlight…nothing! We hiked and fell down a steep hill and ended up in a cave! It was super cool…we were behind a waterfall…and there were GLOW WORMS in the cave! SO FUN! The next day we had farm chore duty! As in, milking the goats, feeding the goats, feeding the hogs, chickens and everything else! It was fun but it was work! That afternoon we spread several tons of gravel to make a new drive area close to the barn. And by we I mean everyone but ME! haha! The next day we had a farm to table class where we picked things from the garden and cooked. It was fun but I was BEYOND ready to come home!!

I’m very thankful for one on one time with my Griffin!!IMG_20151116_073742

20151116_135359_resized 20151116_135432_resized 20151116_151044_resized 20151116_153050_resized This is Sandy! SHE LOVES ME!20151117_092546_resized  See?20151117_093126_resized 20151117_093619_resized20151117_134747_resized 20151117_141146_resized 20151117_135426_resized Oh yea, and we made our own butter and popped popcorn on the campfire and when the two came together….HOLY!20151117_184233_resized

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Griffin’s Party and Halloween!

Way back on October 30th we celebrated Griffin’s 13th birthday by throwing a party at our house! We had a big bon fire, ate smores, hot dogs and cake and ice cream! The kids all had the best time just hanging out with each other and acting crazy!

DSC_0196 IMG_20151031_070756He had lots of fun!

The very next day was Halloween and it was a rainy one! Boo! We hung out and ate with my sister and her fam and then decided to trick or treat at the mall….well we were late apparently because the stores were out of candy! Thankfully Big Mama had stocked the kids all up so we were good to go!  DSC_0200 I heart them!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fair Fun & a New Farm Friend!

On Friday night, we went to the fair! It was lots of fun! We ate fair food, rode fair rides and played fair games! :)IMG_20151023_18243320151023_201805_resized 20151023_201752_resized His first gum…20151023_201744_resized 20151023_193011_resized There aren’t many pictures of G and P because they spent their time riding rides like this…20151023_190953_resized There was also a petting zoo there! 20151023_173953(0)_resized They had a baby zebra!!!! It was SO cute, 8 weeks old! 20151023_173942_resized And this guy was my fav!IMG_20151023_182201

AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Sunday after church we headed to north Alabama for this little guy…

   Meet Tuck!IMG_20151025_143325 Tucker Hamilton! :)IMG_20151025_182354UM, how cute is he? So VERY!

I have been wanting a piggy for a while. I wanted one a very long time ago and then decided that we have enough animals! About a year or so ago my sister started trying to talk me into it and I told her she was bat cray. A few months ago I finally decided that we needed one! haha! So, since then, I’ve been researching and researching! Finally, last week I came across this fellow and couldn’t resist! We are working on litter box training so we’ll see how that goes! He also already has his Halloween costume! :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Happy 13th Birthday Griffin!

Thirteen years ago on this very day at 9:04pm I became a mommy! All my life I dreamed of being a wife and mom and the moment that this became my reality made me feel like this was exactly what I was meant to be!

Happy Birthday to you, Griffin Lee! I can't believe you are a teeneager now! Please don't kill me and your Dad through the teenage years, take it easy on us! K?

I love you more than you will ever know! Well, until you have kids, then you'll get it!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Happy Birthday Big Mama!

IMG_20151008_110648Today is Big Mama’s 87th birthday! I love her more than anything! I call her anytime I need advice on anything and everything…she knows it ALL! We had a fancy lunch at Kozy’s and then I’m sure she was off to Walmart! My sister and I picked a card that said, “Happy 21st Birthday!” so she got a kick out of that!!

Happy Birthday Big Mama!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

We had a wonderful Saturday at the Griffin Farms Pumpkin Patch! This was the same one we went to last year and it’s great! I’m so glad that we finally have a pumpkin patch in our area! We went through the corn maze, played in the corn cribs, played with the animals, visited with Mickey Mouse, played in bouncy houses, stepped on a bee in one, slid in the giant culvert slide 975 times, ATE PUMPKIN PIE FUNNEL CAKE!!, rode the zip line, climbed the rock wall, rode the hay ride to get our pumpkins…I’m sure there’s something I’m leaving out but you get it…we had a blast!20151003_102242_resized 20151003_123020_resized20151003_103520_resized 20151003_103904_resized 20151003_104430(0)_resized 20151003_110632_resized 20151003_121253_resized Stung by the mean ol bee! :(IMG_20151003_134435  IMG_20151004_123801  20151003_124045_resized  Seriously…I don’t do pumpkin flavored stuff but this was SO GOOD!20151003_113449_resized  20151003_120316_resized 20151003_120424_resized 20151003_110758_resized  And we ended the day with a big Bama win!!!! Roll Tide!IMG_20151003_193212