Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Catch Up!

Prepare yourself for a mish mash of a post! I haven’t had time to blog about anything lately! I’m not even sure any of this is in order! In fact, it’s not. haha!

We had a fun Halloween! It was pretty chilly here that night so we didn’t do too much trick or treating but we still had fun! We always go to my sister’s house and trick or treat with my nephews and we ALWAYS go by Big Mama’s house! It’s her thing! I heart traditions!

Say hello to my pretty peacock!

DSC_1352DSC_1350 I’ve always been that mom that didn’t want her kids to be scary stuff for Halloween. But now that we have almost teenage boys, I had to get over it. Yes, these are scary. No, they didn’t wear the masks around Brooks and Reece!

Guess who!?DSC_1356

Griffin!DSC_1359Guess who again! Don’t you love this game?!DSC_1362 Peyton!DSC_1365And now for the CUTEST LITTLE ELEPHANT you have ever laid your eyes on!!!!!!  DSC_1368 Brooks loved it!DSC_1373DSC_1386Moving on!

Last week I went on a field trip with Peyton’s class to the NASA Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville! It was fun! He had the best time!

20141105_103933_resized  20141105_092017_resized IMG_20141105_114934 DSC_1391 DSC_1399 A few other things of note:

We went to the fall festival at the kids’ school!IMG_20141030_172819

Brooks ate his first sucker while we were there…

We bought a brand spankin’ new ride! We went ahead and upgraded to the Suburban. I LOVED my Yukon, but needed more room! I was in love with the new look of the Tahoe/Suburban so there you go! I will be glad when I figure it all out…it’s smarter than me! haha!IMG_20141101_174355I eat lunch with the kids once a week at school and Peyton FINALLY let me sneak a picture of us! No, I don’t eat lunchroom food….I bring whatever the kids want and unwrap it and put it in a lunchbox. haha!


Josh has a friend that wanted our silkies to hatch some eggs for him. He brought a few over that his hens laid and…

We became grandparents again! HAHAHA!

IMG_20141022_120450 I think that about gets us caught up! Whew!