Landon Brooks
April 22, 2013
12:41 pm
8 pounds 3 ounces
19 1/2 inches
I’ll be back with a birth story as soon as I have time! It was SUPER fast and easy! And the sweetest day of my life so far!
Off to do a little more hogging! ;)
Landon Brooks
April 22, 2013
12:41 pm
8 pounds 3 ounces
19 1/2 inches
I’ll be back with a birth story as soon as I have time! It was SUPER fast and easy! And the sweetest day of my life so far!
Off to do a little more hogging! ;)
How far along: 39 Weeks! Thirty-Nine! 3-9!!! Holy cow!
Size of the baby: Um full size! hahaha! It takes up every square inch of my belly!
Total weight gain/loss: Up 32 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: Old one.
Sleep: It’s getting worse. I barely sleep at all. Last night it was only about 3 hours.
Best moment this week: My doctor telling me it was time to get this kid O-U-T!
Movement: Still very active!
Food cravings/aversions: Just the tea with lemon still.
Gender: I don’t know….but soon enough we will!!!!! If you plan to come to the hospital the day the baby is born…wear your color prediction!
Labor signs: I can tell baby is getting lower and lower and lower. Not sure how much longer I will be able to walk! ha!
Belly button in or out: Hubby says it’s flat!
What I am looking forward to: MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had my weekly doctor’s appointment on Wednesday this week! Things are still progressing. He asked me again how much the ultrasound said the baby weighed the week before. I told him 7 pounds and 15 ounces and he said, “Well, we probably need to get this baby out then!” I responded with “Yes Dr. R as soon as possible!” :) So we’re scheduled to be induced on Monday! It may very well happen before then and that’s a-okay with me!
And just for fun, how about I have NEVER been pregnant this long! Reece was the longest before this one and she was 38 weeks 6 days!
As far as updating on here, I don’t know. I am going to try to update but it just depends on how things go. I really want to soak up every second of the day, you may better just follow me on twitter!
I think we’re finally done with the baby’s room! At least until it get’s here! Not sure what it’s waiting on! Tired of calling it it!
I’m a lamp girl, so this is how it looks most of the time!
Please excuse my assistant! Gah she’s so dang cute! And then we turned on the big lights so you can see! :) The door to the right goes into the hallway, the door to the left goes into our bedroom! The closet is behind me!
Looks like this is the only shot I got of this other table. :/ Meant to get a better, closer one. That jar is full of paci’s, the framed print says “You are my sunshine” and the other polka dot thing is also for a picture(my sister Kelsie made it). The stuff in the floor on the right, that’s the baby’s hospital things and to the left is the best thing EVER invented for a baby! Every baby should have this glider!
No, your eyes do not deceive you, there is no rocking chair or glider in this room. I’m not one for sitting around in the nursery, I’ll either be in my room or the living room rocking! :)
A huge thank you to my hubby and my sisters for putting work in on this!
Now we just need a baby to put in it!
I thought I deserved a t-shirt day today! Still representin’ though! And speaking of the gym, we have this little old lady that works out there(y’all KNOW how I love old people) and we were talking the other day and she thinks GFG stands for God’s Favorite Gym! haha! It’s God Family Gym but none of us have the heart to tell her any different! Plus it probably is His favorite! ;)
How far along: 38 Weeks! Get this kid OUT!
Size of the baby: According to the Pregnant Chicken, “Forget fruit, your baby is actually the size of a baby!” HAHA!
But really, this baby weighs 7 pounds and 15 ounces at the most! (as per our ultrasound!)
Total weight gain/loss: Up 32 pounds.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: Old one.
Sleep: It would be nice to have some!
Best moment this week: Seeing our sweet little baby at our ultrasound yesterday! And now it looks nothing like Peyton to me! It’s so crazy how they change SO much! He/she has the most perfect, plump little lips that were KILLING me! Can’t wait to kiss those! And fat little cheeks! AHHHHH, get it OUT NOW!!!
We also saw my doctor yesterday. Things are progressing nicely according to him. I go back to see him Wednesday.
Movement: Me? Or the baby? Baby is still bouncing around in there like a Mexican Jumping Bean. I, on the other hand, can’t get around so well. This baby is SO LOW that it just feels like it’s going to fall out at any given moment. And everything just hurts. Sorry to the two men that read this! haha! It is what it is!
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing really.
Gender: We scooted by the ultrasound once again without finding out! Yay us!
Labor signs: Still having contractions, they like to start in my back. It friggin’ hurts.
Belly button in or out: Um, I would tell you if I could see it!
What I am looking forward to: Ha! Um I don’t know?!?! Having a baby, maybe? hahaha!
And, yes, I’m still working!
We had a pretty fantabulous weekend! First of all, when I got home from work on Friday, Hubby had cleaned the house, done 57 loads of laundry and had dinner ON THE TABLE!! YES!!! He knows I just can’t anymore so he’s taken over! I heart him!
That freed up my whole weekend! So Saturday the kiddies and I worked in my flower beds and played with the chickens! I worked in the nursery a little bit. It’s completely done except for what’s going on the walls! I should have the last thing today or tomorrow! YAY!
Yesterday I took some pictures of the kiddos. I wanted to do this one last time with just three of them! And last night we were finally able to go out to eat for my birthday! ;)
And the out takes, because no photo shoot that involves us is complete without them!
I hope your week is total awesomeness! And I hope we birth a baby this week!!!
How far along: 37 Weeks! Feels good to be full term! Not so many worries!
Size of the baby: According to Baby Center, it weighs 6 1/3 pounds and is a little over 19 a stalk of Swiss Chard…what?
Total weight gain/loss: Up 30 pounds. I lost another 2 pounds while I was sick and managed to gain a pound back.
Maternity clothes: Yes.
Stretch marks: Old one.
Sleep: It’s ok.
Best moment this week: Getting past that nasty stomach bug, having a good baby check-up and having a date with Reece.
We went and got our baby pedi’s last night! :) HAVE to have our toes cute when the baby comes!
Movement: OUCH!
Food cravings/aversions: Nothing really. Just keeping myself alive this week! haha!
Gender: Um I can’t wait!
Labor signs: Yes! I am having contractions on and off! I’ve never had contractions before being in the hospital because with Griffin my water broke and they never started and with the other two I was induced.
Belly button in or out: In. Flatish.
What I am looking forward to: HAVING A BABY!
I had my weekly doc appointment on Wednesday. Everything looks great! I wasn’t dilated any but the head is extremely low, even since this is my fourth baby! So, that’s good news! My next appointment is Thursday!
ANY DAY NOW!!!!!!!
Our Easter weekend started out great! I took the kids to see The Croods and planned to take them to an egg hunt on Saturday.
But then I started feeling sick. I ended up with a stomach bug on Easter and on my cotton pickin’ birthday which was Monday! Not to mention I AM 36 weeks pregnant. Nothing says, “Happy Birthday” like feeling like you are going to yack all day. Oh I was SICK.
Luckily we dyed eggs before I got sick! It was fun to dye some of our own eggs this year! The pink and blue were the baby’s eggs! ;)
The bunny made it just in time because after he visited it was all down hill from there!
I was super sad that I didn’t get to do anything with my babies on Easter! I was confined to the couch. I finally started feeling better yesterday and now I’m back to my old self!