Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We’re in the process of adopting this little guy…DSC_1707Ok, Ok 90-something pounds is not technically little.

And I say process because it’s been a huge process! HUGE. If you have adopted a human I have a LOT of respect for you right now. Not that I didn’t before, it’s just grown because the process of adopting a dog is tedious and time consuming and nerve wracking. But worth it! We’ve been run through the ringer and apparently we’ve passed ALLLL the tests.

So, his name is Niko. He lives in Georgia…Griffin, Georgia! (that was our first “sign” that he would be ours!) He is going through heart worm treatments right now. :( But, he will be fine.

On Sunday we loaded up the kids and Chippie and made the four hour drive to Griffin to meet Niko. (Griffin loved seeing all the signs in the town with his name on them!) We needed to make sure that he fit in with us. He did and my husband is so happy! He’s wanted another red dobie since Mako passed away and now it’s time. The kids did great on the long drive. I was worried about being stuck in the car for a total of 8 hours in one day but it worked out fine! We watched Toy Story 3 about 57 times, but hey, whatever works! I was honestly amazed at how well my children handled the whole day! :)

DSC_1711Niko is very well behaved and trained! He laid down just like the picture above and had his nails trimmed..didn’t move a muscle! He was super sweet with the kids and kissed me right in the mouth! ha! I’m sure Josh will be his favorite!

Chippie got along fine with Niko, after she made sure he knew she’s the boss! He was actually scared of her and ran and put his head in Josh’s lap! ha! 100 pound dog scared of a less than 10 pound dog!

The week after Christmas the lady from the humane society will meet Josh half way with Niko! We’re SUPER excited!


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