Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I feel fat....

Josh has lost like 27 pounds now! YAY for him! I'm so excited that he's so motivated! I just wish I were. When I went to the doctor last week I weighed 125. I know that makes some of you want to slap me, but I need to lose like 15 pounds. And I need to get in shape. Hubby tries to motivate me but then I just tell him that he's calling me fat! ha!

I should really jump on the band wagon with him. He's doing so well with it! But, it's hard for me.

Partly because I love fried pickles. Partly because my sister is pregnant and makes me eat bad stuff with her.(haha!) Partly because I am really tired when I do have time to run/work out. Partly because of Five Guys. Partly because I have a MAJOR sweet tooth.(Candy Corn Hershey Kiss in my mouth RIGHT NOW!)

Maybe I'll get motivated soon!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

I've been debating on posting about this little issue but after events that happened today, I could not not blog about this!

Peyton is sometimes a little liar! Can you buuulieve that? And he's good at it. I'm not usually a gullible person, but he can convince me that the sky is purple. No joke. He's done this on several occasions lately and today just takes the cake.

Towards the beginning of the school year we were sending $10 per week with each of the boys to school for their lunch. It's supposed to be $2 per day, but evidently they are getting extra stuff and so it costs more. It's hard to keep up with because I don't know how much they spend each day and it varies from day to day. Last year they would put little stickers on the kids when they needed money the next day and that was fabulous! But, they quit doing that this year.(thanks Obama, I'm sure it's his fault) Bummer. About the second or third week of school I received a note home with Peyton from the lunch lady saying that his lunch account was -3.25! Whoops! So, from that day forward I have been sending $20 per week per child. One day last week I remembered that I hadn't sent money all week. I asked the boys if they had lunch money that day and Peyton said, "No, and I didn't get to get dessert because I didn't have any money!" Oh, I felt like C-R-A-P! So, I sent the money the next day and apologized to my sweet little angel for him not being able to have dessert.

Fast forward to this morning.

Reece has been sickly and I was headed to take her to her pediatrician as soon as I dropped the boys off at school. In the middle of my morning pep talk in the car I told the boys to remind me tonight to put some money in their backpacks for lunch. A sweet little voice from the backseat said, "OH MOM!!! They told me yesterday that I would need money today!!" "WHAT? Peyton you have GOT to start telling me and Dad things like that the night before!!!" So, as I am driving down the road, in the rain, running late I dig out my check book. Just dang peachy. There was only ONE check in there and I HAD to have it for the doctor's office! I called Josh and asked him to swing by the school on his way home from work and drop off some money for Peyton for lunch so that my sweet little cupcake would not have to go without any dang dessert. I dropped the boys off and headed to the doctor.

When Josh got to the school he checked the boys lunch accounts. You're not gonna believe it. Peyton had $58 in his account. And Griff had almost as much!

Didn't get dessert. Pshhhh!

That little stink bug. I'm pinching his head off when I get home!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Meet Our New Pet Monkey!

Sadie. She gets in trouble alot. Like a whole lotta lot! All. The. Time. Really. We have a huge backyard that the dogs mostly run freely in, but we also have like a 12 X 12 dog pen that we built while we were building our house. If one of the dogs is in trouble, ahem, Sadie, they get put in there for a bit. Time-out. Sorta. The other night just before Josh left for work Sadie jumped on sweet Ben, so she was put in the pen for the night. The next morning I glanced out the back door and this is what I saw....
Yep, that's right. She was sitting on the top....and there's only a bar there, so who knows how she was balancing! Look at her butt smiling! That pen is 6 feet tall. She climbed up the fence like a monkey and then just sat there. Weirdo.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sick as a Dog

Actually, how sick is a dog anyway?? I've had bronchitis or somethingorother all week. Knocked me flat on my tail ya'll! I can usually work when I am sick...not this time.


I'm about to do some really syrupy bragging on my hubs. So, if you tend to be jealous, hit that little x in the top right of your screen!


THANK GOD for my super duper hubby! I seriously couldn't take care of myself all week let alone 3 kids! He cooked, he cleaned, he did everything! I love him. And he must love me too!

And speaking of my fab husband, he has lost 22 pounds in about a month! He runs about 2.5-4 miles a day and has really changed his eating habits. I'm so proud of him! I'll keep you updated on his progress!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fun Award!

Thanks to Leslie for this fun award!

The logistics:
  1. Say thanks and give a link to the one who gave you the award.
  2. Share 10 honest things about yourself.
  3. Present this award to 3 other fantastically brilliant blogs of content or design, or peeps that have encouraged you.
  4. Tell those 3 people they've been awarded and make sure they're informed of these guidelines
So, here are 10 honest things about me!
  1. Josh and I feel like we're gettin' kinda old! We both have our 10-year high school reunions this year and well, we're old! 30 is approaching way too fast!
  2. Speaking of Josh, I can not imagine my life without him. He's my best friend and my favorite!
  3. Sometimes when things are calm and quiet around our house I'll sneak up on one of my babies and stare at them without them knowing! They are so perfect! I am so blessed to have THREE of them!
  4. We have 5 dogs, 5 fish and a cat. No, we will never have 5 cats! One's enough, thanks!
  5. I should have learned a long time ago to "never say never"! ha!
  6. I'm about to get my home builders license! woot!
  7. I'm addicted to fried pickles.
  8. I LOOOOVE me some Alabama Football! Roll Tide! Followed closely by the Tampa Bay Bucs, who my hubby LOVES!
  9. I love being married to a police officer. But, I HATE the disrespect that they get....if you get a ticket for speeding, don't be mad at the officer that gave it to you. YOU were the one breaking the law!
  10. I'm addicted to blogging and I love my blog family! :)
I'll re-gift this one to:

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Griffin!

Griffin is seven years old today! Man, that's crazy. Our baby is seven. That's just hard to type! He is such a joy! He loves to be the boss and plan, plan, plan! And he loves being a big brother! He shares his birthday with his Uncle Matt(he used to call him Umple Matt!). And boy let me tell you those two are EXACTLY alike!

We had his party this past Saturday at a local skating rink. It was fun. It was loud!

I called in his birthday to our local radio station this morning. They do birthday's every morning and have a winner for a cake from, in my opinion, the best bakery in town! I counted up and I think I've bought like 18 cakes from them since G was born! ha! Anywho, he won! So he'll have another cake for tonight!

Pics from Saturday...

I'm his favorite!
Baby Girl's playing double airplane!!

Getting sugar from my favorite niece!
"Aunt April's sugar is the best!!"
Two peas in a pod!
G and Aunt Shelby(not technically an aunt but she really is!)
Happy Birthday to ME!
So mad that this is blurry! Aunt Katie and Umple Matt!
Master P skating

Everytime I took his pic he would fall....
She did not feel well and needed Daddy love!(AND that is the only reason she was allowed a passy! Trying to get away from that thing before Noah gets here!!)
Three Amigos!
G and Angel Kitty
Parents-to-be! YAY!
Aunt Janna

Happy Birthday Buddy! We love you oh so much!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy 81st Birthday Big Mama!

81 and still going strong! I'm telling you, she's the strongest woman I know! She's also the most loving, caring, giving person you will ever meet! If you live around here chances are you know Big Mama and I'm sure she has touched your heart at some point in your life. Everybody loves Big Mama! I am so blessed to call her my grandmother!

We are taking her to dinner tonight and I'll try my best to get some more pictures. She HATES taking pictures, but Allison and I do a great job of MAKING her take them! Here's one for now...keep in mind her eyes aren't really slanted, she's not Chinese.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I'm Back!

Sorta Kinda.

I would like to direct your attention here. This is what Allison and I had to deal with first thing this morning. Fun stuff. The next time someone tells you, "section 8 guarantees landlords rent" you think of us. 'Cause that ain't so! This particular tenant was not on section 8, but this gives you a great example of what we deal with when it comes to low income people that we mostly deal with! Was that rude?? I didn't mean it to be.

I really thought about going home and taking another shower when we left this house. It's not anywhere near the worst house we've been in and turned but it's still pretty bad!

I'm still working on that other post about my grandmother...I've got to round up some pictures that I want to include!


Monday, October 5, 2009


This is my Nonnie's obituary. Some of you may not want to read but I need it to be here for history of my family blog! I hope to post more on this in the next few days with lots of pictures of her!


Barbara Darnell Bell, age 75, left this life and entered into the presence of her Lord and Savior Oct. 2, 2009, at DCH Regional Medical Center. Services will be 4 p.m. today at Heritage Chapel Funeral Home with Robert Burns officiating and Dr. Gordon Bryars and Dr. Harvey Edwards, III offering the eulogy. Burial will follow in Tuscaloosa Memorial Park with Heritage Chapel Funeral Home, a Dignity Memorial Provider, directing. Visitation will be one hour prior to services at the funeral home.

Barbara was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama on August 23, 1934. She was a graduate of Tuscaloosa County High School and the Druid City Hospital School of Surgical Technicians Class of 1967. She helped open the Women's Pavilion at Northport Medical Center, retiring after 33 years of service.

She was selected Ms. Senior Tuscaloosa in 1997 and went on to achieve the title of Ms. Senior Alabama in 1999. She was known for her love and caring ways for people and was awarded "The Most Caring Contestant Trophy" in the pageant. She was well received in the Ms. Senior America Pageant in Las Vegas and was awarded the "Best Philosophy of Life" trophy.

She was active in her church, West End United Methodist, where she served in almost every position as well as being a certified lay speaker. She loved music, playing the piano, organ, keyboard, and the omnichord for 45-plus years.

She loved to hunt with her "Honey" and travel out west. Whatever her husband was interested in, she made that her interest as well. She was a city girl who learned to drive tractors and assist in the hayfield. Together they were seen as one, never two.

As her health failed, she was given a Maltese, J.J., by her daughter, Susan. J.J. was her special love, and he took special care of her when she was in pain when others were unaware.

Barbara was preceded in death by her parents, Capt. Douglas D. Darnell and Jeanette B. Darnell, and her son, Robert Alan Bell.

Survivors include her most wonderful friend, companion, and husband of 57 years, Curtis A. Bell, Sr.; two devoted sons, Curtis, Jr. and Michael Douglas of Tuscaloosa; two adoring daughters, Tisa Brothers (Jimmy) of Decatur and Susan Killough (Doug) of Tuscaloosa; 14 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; sisters, Shelby Brown (Bob) and Peggy Ingram; brother, Jimmy Darnell (Theresa); several nieces and nephews; and a special aunt, Mary Lane Keene.

Pallbearers will be Charles David Bell, Derwood Harkey, John Ingram, Gil Brown, Danny Logan, and Jeff Swindle.

Honorary pallbearers are Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Bryars, Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Edwards, III, Dr. M.D. Reed, Dr. Richard Jones, Dr. David Hinton, Dr. David Harding, Dr. Dinesh Chandra, 1st Floor ICU DCH nurses, past and present employees of the Women's Pavilion, past and present members of West End United Methodist Church, past and present staff of the DCH OR, Red and Elaine Haywood, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barton, and The Ms. Senior Alabama Board.

In lieu of flowers, Barbara asked that donations be made in her memory to the Lupus Foundation.