Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fun at Papa and Gigi's!

We spent Memorial Day at Papa and Gigi's just hanging out by the pool and relaxing! It was lots of fun! Here are a few pics from the afternoon.

G-man engineering a smiley face with the water gun!

Baby Girl and Papa


Master P

Maw Maw and Baby Girl

My baby daddy! Ha!

Kelsie is going to kill me! But, hey, what are sisters for anyways?

Gigi grilling it up! Yum!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Big Day!

Just a quick post to say that all went well with the wedding, I have a ton of pics and will post when I get a chance...kind of busy with out Allison at work! I don't want to leave you all hanging so here is one that I stole from the photographer, it's my fav!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

She's Goin' to the Chapel....

and she's gonna get MARRIED!!! It's here! The wedding is in THREE days! It seems like yesterday that Brad and Allison started dating and she was saying, "I don't know if I can date him...he can't kiss!!!" Well, thank goodness she decided to teach him and not get rid of him! (sorry Brad!) And, thank heavens he puts up with her crap and decided to keep her! They are such a cute couple!

Here's to you Allison and Brad....may you please keep the sheets warm and give me nieces and nephews before I am 30!! Ha!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Yesterday was our 6th Wedding Anniversary! Man, time flies when you're having fun! This is the first year that we haven't gone out of was just too much for us to leave this year! We had a great weekend just spending time with the kiddos and then Sunday we went to Josh's parents to celebrate Maw Maw Betty's 71st(even though she says 17th!!) birthday. Here are a few pics fromthe weekend...

By the way, Allison's wedding is SATURDAY!! So, there may not be anymore blogging until next week. Please don't hate. Ha!

G-man at the McWane Center

Paw Paw Howard and Baby Girl

Brotherly Love!

Our FABULOUS cake that Katie made us for our Anniversary!!

Paw Paw Earl, Baby Girl and Baby Cousin

Master P

Friday, May 16, 2008

G-man's Graduation

Well, I guess it's official, he's gonna grow up. G-man's preschool graduation was yesterday. It was bittersweet for me! All of the little ones walked down the aisle one at a time. When it was G-man's turn, he wouldn't walk! The ones of you who know us well know that he is not shy, but he just stood there with his hands over his face crying. Finally, one of the teachers in the back walked down most of the way with him and he decided to walk the rest of the way on his own. They sang songs, recited Bible verses and then received their diplomas! SO CUTE!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Flower Power

You only wish you could grow 'em as pretty as we can!! Check out these gorgeous roses that Allison & I grew outside the office! I felt like Doug taking pictures of his flowers!

Ok, I confess, we didn't do a darn thing to them...they just grow this pretty all by themselves every year!

Mother's Day Continued...

Here are the rest of the pics from Mother's Day. We didn't get to take any pictures on the actual day, because it was mostly spent nursing G-man's poor ear. :( But, here are the ones from MasterP's Tea at school. He's such a cute little bug.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Kids say the darndest things!

I have NEVER been so embarrassed in my entire life!!!! Now, it's funny, but at the was NOT!

G-man started complaining about his ear hurting Saturday afternoon around 4 pm. I gave him some Tylenol and thought he would be ok. Not. So. Much. An hour later he was screaming and crying because it was hurting so bad. Off to Med-South we went. Upon arrival, the girl at the desk(which was crowded with people) asked how long it had been since he was seen at their office. Since it had been longer than 6 months she told me that she needed to get a copy of my driver's license and insurance card. G-man all of a sudden blurts out for the world to hear, "but, mommy, your license is suspended!" OH MY HEAVENS!!!!!!After turning 18 shades of red I managed to say that my husband is a cop and that had to be where he heard that and that no my LICENSE IS NOT SUSPENDED!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!

Back to the ear, the doc couln't find anything wrong with it and sent us home. About 10 pm he shot up a fever(lovely) and ran it ALL NIGHT. So, the next day, we were back to Med-South and this time they could tell that it was infected. Yuck. So now we are on a lovely $75 antibiotic that I think is probably too strong because I gave it to him a little while ago and he threw it up. Yummmm. And no, I didn't give it to him on an empty stomach.....

One thing after another........

Meanwhile......ALLISON IS GETTING MARRIED NEXT WEEK!!!! So, my speech needs to be finished....I should be working on it now actually......


Monday, May 5, 2008

Mother's Day

There will be a few posts on Mother's Day...G-man's Tea was today, Master P's will be on Friday and then, of course, the real thing on Sunday! G-man's class sang to all of us mommies and then gave us precious gifts that will be sweet memories for a lifetime! One of the gifts was a cookbook that the class had made. The children told their favorite recipes that their mommies make, and how they are made! They are SO cute! I am just going to share G-man's.......

Mom's Casserole She Wants to Make

She puts it in a pot. I don't know what she puts in it. But, my MiMi cooks me really yummy vegetables(he means Vegetable Soup).

Sloppy Joes

Get hamburger meat at any kind of store. Put in a pan with everything. She puts hamburger and spicy stuff. Put it on the stove for every single number in the whole wide world. The microwave reminds her. When she's at the stove, she stays there. It takes a long long hour for the stove.


We get chicken at Burger King in a Happy Meal.

Here are the pics!


Well, it's the first Sunday in May. Every. Single. Year. That's all I am gonna say! We did miss Maw Maw Betty, she went into the hospital on Saturday with chest pains, so say a little prayer for her! Here are a few quick shots we took before we left, and we were the first ones there. How did that happen? I mean, we are ALWAYS the last to arrive at any event, well just about!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Busy Busy Busy!!

Ok, so everyone is yelling at me for not updating in a while! I apologize! I am glad to know that eveyone is reading this though and I am not doing it for nothing! Oh, and I got tired of the black/red background...hope you like the new one!
G-man and Master P played in the sprinkler last weekend, they had a blast. I am glad it's getting to be summertime again, so they can play outside!

Baby Girl had her 4 month check up last week. She weighs almost 14 pounds now! They gave her those dreaded shots :( I hate that part. She overall had a good check up.

Aunt Katie took some snapshots at the ballpark the other are a few of them.

We have a busy weekend planned, so I will probably have more pics Monday!

Until then, toodles!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Watch dog!

I thought that I would share these cute pics of Molly & Mako. I couldn't get Daisy to sit still long enough to get her in these! I actaully took them a month or so ago before we had green grass again! This is one of Molly's favorite places to sit--in the chair on the back porch. She also likes to sit in the back of the boys' power wheel tractor(as long as the boys are not driving it!!) Once they saw me taking pics, they started posing! Not really, but it looks that way!
P.S. - I know some of you haven't met Mako, our doberman...yes, he LOOKS mean but he is absolutely NOT! He is a big baby and thinks he is a lap dog. Josh really did his research before we bought him and we spent a lot of money on him to be sure he came from a good bloodline. So don't go thinking we have a mean dog and a house full of children!

Twinkle Toes...

For those of you who were wondering how long it would take for me to start painting Baby Girl's toes.......4 months!