Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Negril, Jamaica

 This year for my birthday Josh and I went to Negril, Jamaica! This was Josh's 11th trip to Jamaica and my 14th-I believe! This little island never gets old and has our hearts. We don't even really need gps anymore. :) This was our first time to stay in Negril and we loved it! We've been staying all over the island trying to figure out where we want our house to be...and I think at the end of this trip we have officially decided on Montego Bay! 

Negril was perfect! We stayed in a villa on the West End and it was SUPER quiet. It was mostly surrounded by locals and it was amazing. We love to explore so we did a ton of that! We also went to Booby Cay Island one day via a Tiki Boat! That was fun but I got super sea sick. Another day we visited Rock House Hotel to do some snorkeling..they technically weren't supposed to let us because we weren't staying there...but I've never had a Jamaican tell me "no". :)

On the way back to the airport we stopped by the Jewel Grande to see Sanjay! He wasn't able to visit with us in Negril because he was having car trouble all week. It was fun to stop by the resort and visit him at work for a quick minute. Made me want to stay there again for sure!

Airport selfie :)
Straight from the airport to Scotchies-ALWAYS!

Looking for a villa for sale...

Sunset views from the villa!

Our chef's little boy...Joshua! Can't wait to take the kids to this villa to play with him! 
7 mile beach!!!!!
Some of the food on booby cay island...eww.

UGHHHH Now I'm ready to go back!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Brooks is 11!

 A few weeks ago, Brooks turned 11! We celebrated with a paintball party! The kids all had a blast...and so did Paw Paw. He showed NO mercy and was the first one to blast Brooks in the leg. I thought he was done but he rallied and ended up having the best time! Of course us girls wanted no part of that so we watched from afar! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Akumal, Mexico

 Four years later...dusting this thing off! I decided to start making this more of a place to journal for the kids! We've had lots of fun adventures in these 4 years but I'm just going to start fresh!

For spring break this year we took a trip to Akumal, Mexico! We wanted somewhere different that we haven't been and found the perfect villa in Akumal! 

On our travel day(Saturday) we flew from Atlanta to Mexico City then to Tulum. The Tulum airport is brand new, just opened in December! It was super nice! There was confusion in the airport about our rental van but we got it all worked out and were on our way to Akumal. 

We arrived to the villa around 6pm after a super long travel day. We ate dinner and the kids hopped in the pool! The pool was super fun because you could swim from outside the villa to inside the villa! Only thing night raccoons would also swim inside and get into everything in the kitchen!

On Sunday we hung out around the villa and relaxed. Then on Monday, we snorkeled with the sea turtles! Some of us enjoyed this alot....and some of us thought we were dying! haha! 

Tuesday was spent relaxing at the villa again-we tried to build these days in on purpose! On Wednesday we went to the Akumal Monkey Sanctuary! This was so much fun! We spent time with lots of different animals, and obviously the monkeys! We were also able to swim in a cenote there!

On Thursday we drove up to Playa del Carmen and hopped on a ferry boat to Cozumel! We spent the day at Paradise Beach. The kids had lots of fun and Josh and I decided cruising is not for us! haha! 

Friday was spent relaxing and getting ready for our trip home the next day! Such a fun trip! I'm so thankful we get to travel together so much!!

A few pictures from our trip!